Business Assessment

A Collaborative Approach Focused on Your Business

The CLC team applies big business knowledge and experience to your business’ unique needs.

Financial Expertise

C-Level Clone has the expertise to assist you on business based financial issues such as budgeting, day to day system requirements and options and reporting.  We understand that sound, profitable enterprises have efficiently managed financial practices and functional departments and we will assist you in developing/maintaining/managing such practices and departments.

Marketing Expertise

C-Level Clone is your solution when you are ready to make a statement that your company has arrived. Our team has hands-on experience in all facets of marketing and branding programs that will enhance your marketing efforts. Increasing brand awareness and driving customer acquisition and retention are at the top of the list when we conceive and design marketing programs. Our experience in the global marketplace as well as understanding Web 2.0's new social media tools helps us target marketing opportunities that will provide additional revenue streams to grow your business. Some of our offerings include:

Business Management

Small and large privately owned and some publicly owned companies are adapting a management practice which is viable in Europe, that of using an experienced executive in a “temporary” capacity to provide senior management skills. We understand how the business verticals need to mesh toward an organizational goal and provide the necessary support and guidance to help companies address all their business challenges.

The Dynamics of Business Management

Our team understands of the dynamics of business management. Each CLC executive has launched new ventures, led management teams in growing organizations to 7 figures and higher and assisted management in saving companies from bankruptcy.  As part of our services we will:

Analyze your business plan, marketing plan and other key strategic documents.

Identify and research additional revenue streams that you may not have explored.

Improve the way you position and promote your products or services.

Create and develop marketing programs and promotions to improve brand awareness and drive customer acquisition.

Optimize your development or delivery processes to improve efficiency and ensure   successful, repeatable projects.

Identify corrective actions that can improve your time-to-market or speed of delivery.

Perform detailed, data-driven research and analysis of your market and your competitors.






winning chess piece

Winning Strategies

A Strong Vision
The ability to see and think clearly how you see your vision in the market over a long-term horizon.

The Ability to Think, Act and Deliver
What is the overriding impression you want to leave in the minds of customers, prospects and partners?

Setting the Right Goals
Many businesses

don't suffer from having too few goals; they usually have too many. Often this is the result of an inability to distinguish the right ones from the wrong. How do you know what a "right" goal looks like?

Look at your list of "right" goals. How much of each goal will require money, people, technology and time? What milestones are expected and when?

This is where the rubber meets the road. It's also where many businesses struggle to transition from goal-setting to goal-scoring.

As your business grows, it is important to review and make adjustments.

Call or email us today to find out how CLC can help you create a winning business strategy.
